June 28, 2010

Current affairs

A financial disagreement between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority is the cause of electrical shortages in Gaza.

June 27, 2010

Israel admitted to OECD

Last month Israel was admitted into the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), a club of the world's most developed economies, despite protests by the Palestinians and other Middle Eastern groups.

Europeans for Israel

European leaders have a reputation of being quick to place responsibility on Israel for the conflict with the Palestinians, and willing to overlook the aggressive actions of Palestinian and neighbouring Arab leaders.

Now, a group of non-Jewish European leaders, headed by former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar, is looking at the conflict differently. Their initiative is called Friends of Israel.

June 17, 2010

Anti-Israel or anti-Semitic?

In e-mails, postings to media web-sites and letters to the editor, the Vancouver Sun encounters accusations, often in anti-Semitic language, that it is an agent of Israeli policy. Columnist Stephen Hume replies. (Update: The article is no longer available on the Vancouver Sun website.  A copy is available here.)

June 14, 2010

Rex Murphy: UN condemns Israel first, investigates later

Rex Murphy has his own acerbic look at the inconsistencies in the UN vis a vis Israel

Pilar Rahola and the Lunatic Left

A voice from Spain - not herself Jewish - who sees the inconsistency in how Israel is treated relative to Palestine and other 'hot spots' around the world: Pilar Rahola

June 13, 2010

The Real Problem in Gaza

Most of the world seems to believe that the problems Gaza's citizens would be solved if Israel allowed ships to enter Gaza freely. This article explains that Gazans' real problem is the total control, poor distribution and general misue by Hamas of all the supplies that do enter Gaza.

The Best Defense

This article in Commentary Magazine clearly lays out the hypocrisy of Turkey's involvement and reaction to the flotilla incident and, intriguingly, what it would look like if Israel turned the tables and went on the offense.

June 10, 2010

Celestial and earthly Jerusalem

In an open letter to President Obama, published in American newspapers, (read it here) Elie Wiesel urged the President not to press too soon for a settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian differences regarding Jerusalem. A group of prominent Jewish academics and activists residing in Jerusalem responded by publishing this angry letter. Rabbi Dow Marmur comments and adds a Canadian perspective.

June 6, 2010

Disproportionate criticism

Dan Henninger in the Wall Street Journal compares the massive world outcry over a small naval incident to the relative lack of concern by the international community about much more serious situations.

Here's a quote: "But if the world's powers unload like this only on relatively small, isolated nations like Israel, then clearly the keepers of the world order find it easier to be blowhards than statesmen. And that means we have a problem."

The Trouble with Turkey

One of the most troubling and disappointing aspects of the flotilla incident is the extent of Turkey's participation in its preparation, and the viscious and hostile criticism of Israel in its aftermath. Thomas Friedman explains the rapidly deteriorating relationship between Israel and Turkey.

June 5, 2010

Gaza dilemma

Why does Israel maintain a blockade on the Gaza Strip and subject itself to international outcry? Simply put, writes Akiva Tor, the Israeli consul general in San Francisco, we don't have much choice.

June 3, 2010

Law of the Sea

Did Israel violate international law when it boarded the Gaza flotilla? Ed Morgan, professor of international law at the University of Toronto examines the question.

June 2, 2010

War disguised as aid

Evidence is mounting that some "human rights activists" on board the Gaza flotilla had anything but human rights on their minds. Canadians should ask some hard questions.

Why the Gaza blockade?

The activists aboard the Gaza flotilla may believe they were forcing Israel to address a moral issue, but David Makovsky (writing in The Christian Science Monitor) says the situation is more complex.